Rules and Guidelines

Rules & Guidelines

Start Date : 10/5/2022
Group Matches end date : 12/31/2023
League end date : 1/31/2023

1)      This is an amateur league to bring people together to enjoy the sport of tennis. Please be diligent in assessing your condition to play, it’s your responsibility and decision, you will be assuming all the risks associated with playing.

2)      Please make sure to read terms and conditions and sports waiver form, by participating in the league you agree to both.

3)      25$ Entry fee for Singles, no refunds once the league starts.

4)      Singles/Doubles

a.       Best of 3 sets with 7-point tie breaker @ 6-6 games (diff of 2)

                                                               i.      Both Players can decide and play 10-point tie breaker in lieu of 3rd set. The final score will be treated as 1-0 to give advantage to people playing entire set as it requires more effort.

                                                             ii.      Even if 1 player wants to play the entire 3rd set then the other play must oblige.

b.       No of players and Groups, please refer to current standings page.

c.       Each player plays within the allotted singles division and should use less than 50% of default pass to qualify for play off.

d.       Prize Money

                                                               i.      Playoff Winner 50$

                                                             ii.      Playoff Runner up 35$

e.       If anybody drops off before the tournament begins and no. of players reduces, the prize money will be adjusted.

f.        Prize money may be reduced if any additional expenses are incurred.

g.       If anyone drops out after playing a single match

                                                               i.      All his matches will be defaulted on, and 240 points will be awarded to the opponent unless an equivalent substitute is identified.

5)      Points

a.       Winner (Sum of below 4 will give advantage for straight set wins and game difference)

                                                               i.      200 Pts for winning match

                                                             ii.      20 pts for winning in straight set.

                                                           iii.      10 points per set

                                                            iv.      Number of games won.

                                                             v.      Game difference.

b.       Loser (Gets points for winning more games)

                                                               i.      10 Points per set

                                                             ii.      Number of games won.

                                                           iii.      Game difference of the set won.

6)      Withdrawal/Injury

a.       If a player gets injured during a match and cannot continue, he forfeits.

                                                               i.      Points will be calculated as per no 5. With the number of games played.

                                                             ii.      If Injury happens within 2 sets, it will be considered straight set win else 3 set win and points will be as per the games played.

b.       Please be diligent in assessing your condition to play the or continue the match when injured, it’s your responsibility and decision, you will be assuming all the risks.

7)      Schedule

a.       Everybody needs to complete their matches on time as per scheduled dates.

                                                               i.      A completion date is provided for each round. If you cannot play.

                                                             ii.      Players can use default passes if they are not able to finish by the completion date.

1.       The player who is not available to complete by the completion date should declare his default pass.

2.       Home player has advantage to provide 4 dates within the completion date, if away player cannot make it for 4 dates, he should declare default pass.

3.       If Home player is not able to provide 4 dates, he should declare default pass.

4.       The information should be provided before the round completion date or else both players will be issued a default pass.

                                                           iii.      A cutoff date will be provided, and all default pass matches should be completed by then else the person who used default pass will be declared default and opponent will get 240 points. Try to complete your matches on time as your opponent may decide not to play at a later stage just to secure 240 points.

                                                            iv.      You can play ahead of schedule but if the current schedule is missed then the match is defaulted unless default pass is initiated.

b.       At any stage during the play if both players decide, they can stop and continue later. But they will need to finish the match before cutoff date else it will be defaulted for both.

c.       No obligation to allow rescheduling if a player is injured but the decision will be made by the players.

8)      Home and Away Matches

a.       Please refer the spreadsheet for Home and Away matches

                                                               i.      The home Match player selects the court and all matches should be scheduled within Wesley Chapel, Brandon, Riverview, Valrico and Tampa.

                                                             ii.      Home match player supplies the ball.

1.       If any player insists then 1 Ball can per set or 10 games. So please carry 4 cans.

2.       If both players decide they continue with the same balls as long as they are ok.

                                                           iii.      Home players can provide up to 4 days and time within within start date and complete by date mentioned in the schedule and work with away player for match during the window.

9)      Match Timings

a.       15 mins grace time for showing up at an agreed time.

b.       If you are going to reschedule or expect a delay, please inform your opponent at least 1 hr. in advance.

c.       If a person is late by more than 15 mins then he forfeits unless his opponent allows or reschedules.

10)   Line calls.

a.       Lines call will be made by players.

                                                               i.      If not sure or there is a disagreement, ask anyone watching the match and their decision will be final.

                                                             ii.      If nobody is sure or an agreement cannot be reached, then replay the point.

11)   Break/side change Rules.

a.       Break allowed only during side change.

b.       Side change at odd games and every 6 points during tie breaker.

c.       90 seconds for side change

d.       120 seconds for set change.

e.       One bathroom break

f.        Medical time out 10 minutes. It can be extended as needed and will be decided by the players playing the match.

12)   If your racquet string breaks and you are not able to get a replacement in 10 minutes, you forfeit the match. It cannot be postponed to another day so please plan accordingly.

13)   If you throw a ball or it falls from your pocket during rally, opponent gets the point.

14)   Any brand hard court ball allowed for hard court matches.

15)   Any brand clay court balls allowed for clay court matches.

16)   Support towards players allowed after each point.

17)   Foot fault is not monitored but please avoid.

a.       People watching can inform player post-match that they did foot fault.

18)   Any additional cost incurred will be taken from prize money.

19)   This page gets updated periodically and everyone will be notified once done, latest version will be final.